Monday, January 3, 2011

Peak Fitness Plan

Peak Fitness Plan- Results by Design

Tired of not knowing what to do at the gym (or not being able to get the gym at all?), our individualized fitness program can be customized for your gym or home enviornment.

Through an individualized fitness assessment and goal consultation, we will create and thoroughly explain an individualized fitness program to meet your goals in a timely fashion

Fitness Plan Features:

1. Fitness Evaluation- All clients receive a fitness evaluation to assess goals, posture and current fitness level.
2. Custom Fitness plan- Based upon this evaluation, you are assigned a customized program covering nutrition, cardio, strength training and posture.
3. Accessibility- The program is accessible online via your phone with videos and pictures of all exercises in one easy document
4. Accountability- All members receive a monthly personal training session and unlimited email access to a fitness coach.

Program FAQ:

Do I have to workout at your gym?

All users are given access to our facility to conduct fitness plans. Your program can also be designed for use at your current gym.

What if I do not have an hour to spend at the gym?

Based upon your goal, we can assign quick and efficient workouts last around 15-20 minutes and combine cardio and strength training for amazing results in minimal time.

What if I do not have access to the gym?

Our program can be designed for any enviornment (home gym, hotel room, etc) with available equipment (bodyweight, bands, etc) to suit your needs. The program details your daily plan via pictures and instructional videos and is accessible via your computer and/or phone.